BERKELEY: The Principles of Human Knowledge

The Anglo-Irish philosopher George Berkeley once said “Esse est percipi,” which means “to be is to be perceived.” According to Berkeley, only minds and ideas exist; matter does not exist. He discusses this theory, which will later be referred to as subjective idealism, in his treatise titled, The Principles of Human Knowledge. In this video, we will explore Berkeley’s radical ontology, which, if accepted, resolves many philosophical paradoxes that have haunted mankind from time immemorial. Continue reading BERKELEY: The Principles of Human Knowledge

CERVANTES: Don Quixote [Part I]

Written by Miguel de Cervantes, Part One of Don Quixote was published in 1605. The character Don Quixote is obsessed with chivalric novels. He reads so many novels of this genre that he loses his senses and decides to become a knight-errant himself. To aid him in his adventures, he enlists the aid of a peasant named Sancho Panza, who becomes Don Quixote’s faithful squire. Continue reading CERVANTES: Don Quixote [Part I]